Tuesday, April 23, 2019

NEA Part 5 - Moodboard

Learning Objectives:

  • K: the advantages and disadvantages of using a mood board to inspire content of new media product.
  • U: how different types of images and fonts can affect the way audiences consume media texts.
  • BAT: produce a mood board that illustrates your initial ideas for your media product.
  • CO: Use media terminology throughout.

  • What brief did you choose?
  • What are the minimum requirements for your chosen production?
  • What is the target audience as prescribed in the brief?
  • What is your target audience for the product you're creating? (this needs to link to the audience profiling post).
2. An educational magazine

2. Content, self taken pictures, a bar code, at least three cover lines, a price, 300 words, 

3. People ages 10+

4. People who play video games

In this task I'll explore different types of images, fonts and colours to use in my magazine. I will see what interests the target audience so I can add it to my magazine.

1. How did they help you define content for your product?
By giving me a thing to look back to for inspiration when writing content for the final magazine.

2. What will be your overall colour scheme of your production?
Possibly red and blue.

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